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Do you have a green thumb? Not me. My mother has the most beautiful yard. My girlfriend has a landscaping company. Me? I have established perennials and a few half-dead succulents. Every year I buy some hanging baskets and promptly kill them. That said, I really like the idea of having houseplants so I thought I’d do some research. It turns out I’m not the only serial killer of all things green! The plants shown below are what I found during my search. Some of them even act as little air purifiers! Who knew?! What I found out is a total “duh” moment for me- certain plants require less water. The “duh” part? This means that when I forget to water them for a couple-few weeks, they don’t care. Duh.
Snake Plants
How cool are these? They enjoy a low light and are drought tolerant, lol. Sounds like the first plant I found is my ideal plant.
Philodendron Monstera
Sounds scarier than it looks – Another drought tolerant plant with beautiful deep green leaves. I am catching on to the key to houseplant survival: drought tolerant.
Dracaena Green Stripe Compacta
The description of this lovely striped houseplants states this plant “prefers infrequent watering.” So many perfect plants, I wish I’d thought to do some research years ago!
Aloe Vera Hedgehog
Ironically, I texted Hubby yesterday to ask if I could get a hedgehog. (I agreed to run pets past him prior to obtaining them after picking out Surprise Puppy a few years ago.) Not surprisingly, he said no. This plant is probably a good alternative to my whim.
It is a succulent, so low water requirements, and it supposedly grows beautiful coral colored flowers.
Aloe Vera
The standard variety of aloe vera is dual purpose, being decorative and also producing skin-saving properties to help with burns and cuts. These seem a little more persnickety as they prefer bright light and only like to dry out a little bit between watering. This is a “pass” for me, but if you haven’t historically killed every. single. houseplant. you’ve owned, it might be for you…
See the next 5 plants on Page 2!
Thanks for this list!!! I legit have killed a ponytail palm before!! Whoops!
Oh no! That’s the one I’ve been thinking about trying because it is so fun! I’d better not. LOL!